



脳・医工学研究センター 研究セミナー【12月5日開催】


Biomedical engineers work at the intersection of engineering, the life sciences and healthcare. The BME take principles from applied science (including mechanical, electrical, chemical and computer engineering) and physical sciences (including physics, chemistry and mathematics) and apply them to biology and medicine. Although the human body is a more complex system than even the most sophisticated machine, many of the same concepts that go into building and programming a machine can be applied to biological structures and diagnostic and therapeutic tools. A biomedical engineer is someone who analyzes and designs solutions to problems in biology and medicine, with the goal of improving the quality and effectiveness of patient care.

There is an increasing demand for biomedical engineers, due largely because of the general shift towards the everyday use of machinery and technology in all aspects of life. Biological knowledge combined with engineering principles to address medical needs has greatly contributed to the development of both life-changing and life-saving concepts and products such as: artificial organs; pacemakers; artificial hips; surgical robots; advanced prosthetics; and kidney dialysis. Even, for some kinds of diseases like infectious diseases, there are still a lot of needs for the BME to apply the technology for diagnosis, care and treament for patients. Since infectious diseases progress fast and have some simptom changes over the time. In addition, the possibility of transmission make the close contack risky for medical staffs and others. The application of non-contact approches could be of trend for the future in medical settings and home care.

Furthermore, in many LMIC, the medical training programs still lack the subjects of BME, so that later on, in health care settings, even in the big or national hospitals, there are not many biomedical engineers to take care of the machines, equipments.

In the future, the collaboration between the medical staffs and the biomedical engineers is impactul association not only for training, research but also for health care practices in order to bring the advances in technology for patients and community.

第83回 CNBE研究セミナー
日時 2019年12月5日(木曜日)13時00分から14時30分
場所 電気通信大学 東3号館 306教室
講師 Nguyen Vu Trung (The Vice Director, National Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Vietnam)
司会 孫 光鎬 助教(機械知能システム学専攻)
題目 Biomedical Engineering in Vietnam: Application and Future Collaboration
参加費 無料(予約不要)
問い合わせ先 山野井 佑介(脳・医工学研究センター)